For those of you who dont live in 3rd world countries such as Backwoods, Britain - please remind yourself daily how fortunate you are to have a dryer either at your house/apt or at a local laundrymat (a place I use to loath but would nowadays travel to as if it were mecca). McQueen and I usually rack up (no pun intended) 3 to 4 loads of laundry a week. I blame most of this on him seeing as how I mainly work from home and live in either pajamas or gym clothes and tend to wear my other outfits a few times each before washing them. None-the-less, he brings in the bread and bacon and I cook it. Which leads me to the vain of my life - the UK drying rack.
Never good for more than 1.3 loads of laundry - I have cleverly devised a plan where ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that can be hung up - finds its way onto a hanger and up in a door way - while all the other wet bits get put on the rack. Therefore on laundry day my house tends to look like my washer exploded (for a second time).
Oh my gosh Heather, you just described my entire year in Italy... Of all the things I missed, I missed my dryer the most! Haha... this post definitely made me laugh... Good luck with that drying rack... the best is yet to come, when it gets SO COLD in the winter that your clothes wont dry in time before they start to grow mold. Besides the dryer situation, I hope you are having a great time over there! :)