Since ive been stalking wedding blogs and blogs of all sorts lately - my new favorite being the broke ass bride Ive come across all sorts of do dads and tidbits of wedding tradition I had no idea about. This is my new favorite that I definitely plan on incorporating into my love story with Mcqueen (fyi - thats how the man friend will be mentioned)
Thanks my fellow broke ass sista for letting us all know about this testement of love..
The tradition goes something like this: The couple writes love letters to each other. In their letters, they detail why they fell in love with each other and what they really, truly admire about the other person. The letters get sealed up before they are read by the person they are intended for.
The sealed letters are brought out at the end of the ceremony. They are put into a wooden box that the couple supplies. Along with their letters, they put a nice bottle of wine into the box with two glasses. Once all is in the box, the wedding party hammers nails into the box to close it.
The point of all this? If, at any point, the marriage is in serious jeopardy, the couple is to open the box, read the letters about why they fell in love with each other in the first place, and drink the wine together before making any irrational decisions.
While, some could see this as a somewhat solemn ritual and not a celebratory or joyous tradition, I see it as being realistic and somewhat romantic. It’s a metaphor for keeping the marriage based in truth and what is real. The hope is that you won’t have to open the box but, who knows, maybe on your 40th anniversary, it’s a treat.
*when I brought this up to McQueen - he liked it - but he didnt like doing this infront of a lot of people - and since we arent exactly sure how big or even existent a ceremony will be in our wedding - I think this is something special i will surprise him with on our anniversary this year!